
StartreadingtheglobalmindwithQSearch.QSearchAPIsgiveyouaccesstosocialinsightsorsummarywhetherthey'rehappeningrightnowormultipleyears ...,StartreadingtheglobalmindwithQSearch.QSearchAPIsgiveyouaccesstosocialinsightsorsummarywhetherthey'rehappeningrightnowormultipleyears ...,StartreadingtheglobalmindwithQSearch.QSearchAPIsgiveyouaccesstosocialinsightsorsummarywhetherthey'rehappeningrightnowormul...


Start reading the global mind with QSearch. QSearch APIs give you access to social insights or summary whether they're happening right now or multiple years ...

QSearch API Service

Start reading the global mind with QSearch. QSearch APIs give you access to social insights or summary whether they're happening right now or multiple years ...

QSearch API

Start reading the global mind with QSearch. QSearch APIs give you access to social insights or summary whether they're happening right now or multiple years ...


Start reading the global mind with QSearch. QSearch APIs give you access to social insights or summary whether they're happening right now or multiple years ...

Get Start

Start reading the global mind with QSearch. QSearch APIs give you access to social insights or summary whether they're happening right now or multiple years ...


An implementation of a quantum gate synthesis algorithm based on A* and numerical optimization. It relies on NumPy and SciPy. It can export code for Qiskit and ...

QSearch Enterprise API · Apiary

Enterprise API is a private and professional service and make developers start building smart service with QSearch. The API tends to be available by 11/30.

QSearch 攜手Cloud Ace 實踐高效益的大數據應用服務

QSearch 分享,他們近年推出的PicKOL 網紅社群資料庫除了以API 去串接既有網站,也大量利用Cloud Functions 來串接架構上想新增的分析流程,並藉由AutoML 從蒐集到的 ...

QSearch - 數解人意

QSearch 專注於社群數據分析,協助輿情危機處理、消費者輪廓洞察、行銷規劃,讓專業行銷人員掌握市場趨勢,把握契機。

Trend+ 社群網路聲量分析服務與功能

Trend+ 提供全方位的社群大數據及分析服務。透過Trend+ 可以完成跨渠道聲量調查、社群口碑監測、自動化報告、客製儀表、API串接。